Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quick Tips - How to be more successful when working from home

Do you work from home or would you like to work from home?  Both myself and my husband have been involved in home based business for a number of years.  Here are some quick tips help you to be more successful when working from home:

1) Turn up to work!  It is so tempting to stay curled up in bed.  Come on, you know you want to right.  So firstly, you need to be disciplined to get up, have breakfast, get dressed and be ready for work.  Make sure you are in your office by your nominated start time.  Best thing is, there is no traffic hey!  Except for maybe a toddler or child in the hallway if you have kids!

2) Have a dedicated work space for your business.  An office is best.  That way you can close the door on your business when it is time to leave work.  Also, it helps you get more organised so that you know where all of your resources and materials are.  Now, I am not perfect here.  My office is the whole house lol.  My hubby doesn’t like this.  I need to get more organised and not have a mountain on my desk (and every other surface he he).  I admit, I have a weakness!

3) Make time for family.  A home business can eat way at your time with your family if you let it.  Try not to let work interfere with ‘home life’.  Learn to turn off work when spending time with your family.  Be there in the moment with the ones you love.

4) Set goals and be accountable to yourself.  As you don’t have a boss, you need to set yourself goals, kind of like your boss would do for you.  You need to be productive, so always have daily, weekly and monthly goals set.

5) Did you know you can be the worst boss to yourself and never give yourself a holiday or a day off?  Learn to take a day off every now an then.  And make sure you take holidays.  You will not be able to work if you burn out!

6) Eat healthy.  Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.  Water is good for you.  Don’t skip a meal.  Nourish yourself and you will be more healthy and feel more energetic for your business.  Exercise – another weakness here!  Go for a walk. Do some exercise that you love, not loathe.

I hope you enjoyed some of these tips that I have learnt from experience and observations of others in business.  Enjoy working from home.  There is nothing better than being your own boss!

MargieB ☺


  1. Great tips Margie! I will be sure to remember them when I'm being my boss! Sooner rather than later I hope....first official business meeting tomorrow! WOO!

    1. You can do it Louise. Think about what you want to bring about. Believe in yourself. Cheering you on!

  2. Totally agree, you need to have your own space, one you can also leave when you need to...

  3. Great tips Margie, I really struggle with this and need to focus a whole lot more!

  4. Love the tips - a good reminder. For me it is the seperate space - where I can shut the door and walk away from work, at least until the baby is in bed! I also like the tip about making time for family and giving you time off! Every year we schedule 4 weeks of 'leave' sometimes it works out often we really need to put the effort in!
